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Traveling Pillow Case

Updated: Jun 23

I don't know about you, but when we go camping, we always try to keep the items we take small and easy to carry.  We have small cots, small pads, small blankets, a small tent, etc.  We know that at times we will park in a lot and have to carry our stuff to the campsite, so less trips is a plus!

We also know that to enjoy our camping trips, a good night sleep helps keep everyone from needing a nap sometime during the day.

Our small pillows were becoming an issue with this goal, since while they may be small and easy to cram into a duffel bag, and inflate as needed, I would need to stuff clothing under my pillow to prop it up, and it was, quite frankly, not very comfy.

My hubby asked if I could make him a travelling pillow case for his full size pillow, where he could roll it up into a tube shape for packing, and unroll it to its full size for sleeping.  After agreeing to this project, he gave me his ideas and this is what I put together:

I took an old pillow case and cut it in half.  Then I took some stretchy denim and made a similar size rectangle, but added a triangle piece to one end.  I then sewed the case to the denim on 3 sides - like a bag - and turned this bag inside out.  Then I added some Velcro to the outside of the bag (denim side) and to the inside of the triangle piece.  When the pillow is placed inside the bag, it can be rolled up starting at the non-triangle end, as tight as possible, and held in place by the Velcro.

So, now when we go camping, nobody can blame the pillow if they do not get a good night's sleep!


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